
Sunday, October 23, 2011

WHAT?!! Were you thinking?!?

This afternoon as I was walking through the kitchen, I heard a blood curdling scream. You know the kind- broke bone, wounded child, bloody nose scream.

Yes, it was a bloody nose scream. (It could have been a broke bone scream as you are soon to find out. )

I ran to our deck to see Joshua holding his nose screaming. After getting him to the deck and cleaning up his nose, I asked him to tell me what happened.

He replied, "Andrew and Levi (family/friend) threw me over the net."

WHAT?!!? (Me, shaking my head.) "Joshua, how and why did they throw you over the net."

Through his tears, he replies, "I don't know."

Long story short, Levi tells the truth. He explains that it was Andrew's idea and that Andrew and Joshua were trying to throw HIM over the volleyball net but he laid down on the ground so they couldn't pick him up. Then, Andrew tells Levi to help him throw Joshua over the net. Hmmmmm...


(deep breath - smile - pray)

"Andrew, why did you throw your brother over the net? What were you thinking?"

"I just wanted to see if he would land on his feet."

(thinking???? --- WHAT?! ---  almost laughing)

"ANDREW!" "Was this a wise thing to do or a foolish one?" "Foolish but I thought he could do it."

"Andrew, what else could have happened?" "He could have (pause) - he did land on his head and got a bloody nose? ."


(pray - smile)

"Son, did you know this was wrong?" "Yes."

"Joshua, did you try to throw Levi over the net? " "Yes."

"Alright boys, go get on your beds and try to GUESS how long you are going to STAY THERE for making a wrong and foolish choice."

It is moments like this when I am reminded of the ever present and watchful eye of our Heavenly Father.

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