
Friday, September 25, 2015

Who inspires You?

Who Inspires You?

Has there ever been anyone in your life that has inspired you? Someone that has made an impact on your life for the better, or someone who even on your busiest days comes to your mind? 

When I think about these questions several people come to my mind but one person holds a special place in my life. That person is Katie Vaughn. Katie Vaughan was the little sister to my best friend when I was around 7 years old. I remember sitting on the floor watching Katie learn to sit up, watching her crawl and then
watching her walk. Julie and I used to play "house" and whoever got to be the mommy that day would choose Katie as their baby.

Then one day, I learned that Katie was in the hospital. (I really don't remember why. I could ask my Mama but why she was there is not the point.) When she came home, I ask my Mama if I could go play with her and I remember her saying over and over, "Not today, Mrs. Sue is having a hard time. Just play outside with Julie."

Finally one day, Mama, my sister and I went over to see Katie. She didn't look the same. She didn't talk. She didn't sit-up. She didn't do anything but lay there and make loud noises. I looked into her eyes and my 7 year old heart hurt for my baby friend.

From then on, Katie's mama just carried her around,  or laid her on the couch. We played around Katie but she never played with us again. I watched her parents tirelessly care for her. I saw my Mom's friend cry tears that I didn't understand.

Sometime later on, her parents had to place in Katie a home several hours away. At such a young age, I could not imagine why. (Again, why is not the point.) The point was that from that day forward, I never saw Katie Vaughn again. My baby friend was gone. I knew my friend Julie and her family visited her often but I was never allowed to tag alone.

However, she has always remained in my heart, and in my mind. She made an impression on me that would not be forgotten. Night after night, year after year, I have prayed for her. As I got older, I had this feeling like I would some day have a special needs child. I promised myself if I ever did, I would name her Katie.

Fast forward many years, and I was in the delivery room giving birth to our daughter, little did everyone know that I thought that she would have some kind of special needs. It was more than the typical mama concerns. As soon as, she was placed on my belly, I did what most new mothers do. I counted fingers - 10, I counted toes- 10, I looked her all over and then asked the nurse her Apgar Score - 9. My beautiful baby was healthy and born with no concerns. We named her Sierra. I prayed for Katie Vaughn that night as I held my little girl.

As the years passed, we could not have anymore children. We started looking into adoption and foster placement. We adopted 2 children and continued to be foster parents to others that went back home. When we received a foster placement of a special needs girl, I wondered if this was supposed to be my little Katie. However, it quickly became apparent that, Lillian was just a step in preparing us for our special little one.  When Lillian returned home to her family, we all felt empty. We began to pray for God to bless us with another child.

Then the day came, we got the call for our little girl. She was special in many ways. She also came with 3 siblings. From the moment we met her, I knew it didn't matter what her diagnoses were or how many siblings she had, she was suppose to be ours. My special needs daughter. I kept all this to myself out of fear. Fear I was wrong, fear of the unknown, fear of what others would think, and fear that I was right. Then one night, Katie Vaughn popped into my prayers. As I prayed for her, I knew! The 6 year old little girl sleeping down the hall in her bed was our Katie. We changed her name!  I would be Katie's mommy forever! I had been blessed with a special needs child.

Just a few weeks ago, Katie Vaughn's dad passed away. My Mom went to the funeral and talked to Katie's sister, Julie. Julie said that Katie was still living in the home and doing as well as expected. Once again, Katie Vaughn made an impact on my life.

You see, this past July we were told that our Katie only had 3-5 years to live. I have really been struggling with how to feel, what to think, and what to do next. I am sure that many years ago in a hospital room, Katie Vaughn's mama was told the prognosis for her little girl was not good; however, today she has out-lived both of her parents.

Has there every been anyone in your life that has inspired you? Someone that has made an impact on your life for the better, or someone who even on your busiest days comes to mind?

For me, Katie Vaughn has been that person and continues to inspire me to look to the future with our Katie and enjoy every moment that we have with our special girl. Only God holds our tomorrows!

Who has inspired you?

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