
Saturday, July 16, 2011

A Look in to the Past

My family had the chance to go to the Lincoln Home National Park in Springfield, Illinois earlier this week. It was very enjoyable and I think we all learned a lot. I've always found it interesting to visit old towns that have been remodel to look the way they did decades ago. I always imagine myself walking the streets that so many years ago people walked and lived. This town was in the 1840’s so I could imagine myself, wearing one of those puffy dress, you know the kind, walking down the street going toward one of the cottage style houses. Maybe I just have a vivid imagination, but I could almost hear the children running through the cobble stone streets and the dog barking at their heels, or Abraham Lincoln wearing his pipe stove hat, humming a song as he walked toward his law office. Can you see it? Can you picture the two youngest Lincoln boys shouting from the balcony of their two story house, to vote for their dad for president? Again, maybe I just have a vivid, crazy imagination.
 After, we toured Lincoln’s house and two others (by the way, did you know a druggist lived on Lincoln’s street. I got a kick out of that.) We decide to get back in the car and go visit Lincoln’s grave. While, driving to his grave site, I was looking out the car window and I saw these signs that had Lincoln’s pictures on them. I didn't really think much of them until the drive back from the grave site. Then, I realized they were head shots of him from the ages 8 to 56. With every sign it showed his age more and more. I got to thinking about Abraham Lincoln’s life. How he was a boy no one thought would amount to much. He was born in a one room cabin, raised a farm boy, had a store go bankrupt, became a lawyer and then became president. He left a legacy behind, for all to remember. How amazing is that? At any point in his life he could have given up, or taken a different path that led him away from the great things God had in store for him. But instead, he persevered, he kept walking further. He didn't let the heart aches of death, fear, bankruptcy and the hard times of life keep him down. He kept walking, each step leading him towards the destination God had in store for him.
As I reflected on Lincoln’s life and all the hard things he had to go through, I began to think about how many people now days (including myself) let the little things get them down. How we let small things overtake us and hold us back from God’s plan for our own lives. Instead of embracing the trial we try to hide from it, or even worst we simply give into the trial. I’m not saying we have to be happy about the trial we are going through, but we do have to keep walking, even if it is one small, weak step at a time. Because each step takes us closer and closer the destination God has for our life. It doesn't mean it will be easy. I’m sure it wasn't easy for Lincoln when he had to face the death of three of his children, but he kept on going. That is what we should do too. No matter the situation, we should keep going. We shouldn't stop and put on a poor me party, even though sometimes that would be much easier. I know you are thinking “Yea, that’s easier said than done”. Yes, that is true and sometimes we are going to feel week. But when you don’t think you can force your feet to take another step, remember to ask God to give you his strength to conquer whatever it is that you are going through. Because ultimately when you are through those dark days and those trials, you will be a stronger person and you will be one step closer to the destination God has in store for you. And, maybe, just maybe you will even become a president. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Missy,
    I saw a post you made on the facebook group for rv moms and clicked to read your blog.
    I wanted to tell you that I have enjoyed reading your blog posts. They inspire and encourage me.
    Like this one about Abe Lincoln. It reminds me that God has a plan for our lives, we just need to listen and obey Him. Oh and by the way I must have a vivid imagination too because I picture myself in towns like that we visit :)
    Your post about the pool and the lake brought me to tears. So often we take things for granted, not realizing that God is meeting our needs. It may not be our idea or our plan or what we think we may like but He provides!! So often we do what we want to do instead of sitting back and taking a look at what He has provided for us.
    Thank you so much for your inspiring posts. I cannot wait to read the next! :)
    God bless you and your family.
