
Monday, July 18, 2011

Pool verses Lake?

Today's forecast was 97 degrees with a heat index of 116 degrees. Therefore, Jeff had the idea to take everyone to the lake. I, on the other hand, was not liking the idea. I got on the computer and found out that a city near to us had a pool and it was only $8.00 for our entire family. What could be better than an afternoon of swimming and lounging by the pool while the children play?  I ran the idea by Jeff and he graciously agreed.
When we arrived at the pool, we were told that Hannah could not wear her Aqua Jogger, a swimming aid, and the water in the main pool was almost over her head. We pressed on not wanting to hear the disappointment from 5 children if we turned around.  We got everyone into the pool along with the other 150 people trying to stay cool. Katie, Hannah, Andrew, and Joshua could not move more than two feet in any direction. Jacob, Melissa and Sierra could swim farther because they can swim but said that they were constantly getting bumped into by other children. After 20 minutes in the pool, everyone was made to get out because of a scheduled break. We sat out for 15 minutes or so and then were allowed back in the water.  Within 30 minutes, Jeff, Sierra and I said that we were ready to leave.
Jeff, once again, said that we could go to the lake. So, we headed to the lake. There were several families, friends and groups of teenagers but it was not crowded. The children all headed into the water. Remembering the lake experiences that I had as a child, I just decided that Katie and I were fine in the sand. However at the urging of our children, and the fact that I was hot after 10 minutes on the shoreline, I decided to walk out into the water. Jeff commented that I had a grimacing look on my face. I realized this because I knew that I was walking out into fish smelling, sandy feeling, murky looking water! Not to mention that floating on top of the water was cotton, as far as the eye could see, from the Cottonwood trees in the area.
In the moments after Jeff comment, my attention was diverted to the sounds of our children having a great time. Turning around, I saw Hannah swimming and playing near the shore. Katie was sitting in the water next to Hannah. Melissa, Jacob, Andrew, Joshua, and Sierra were about 5 feet in front of me playing and laughing with Jeff. Immediately the thought came to my mind, "You are spoiled. Be thankful in all things."  I prayed Lord forgive me for my ungrateful attitude. Deciding to have a great time, I walked out farther to where Jeff and Sierra were swimming. Jeff grabbed me and under the water I went with a splash.  Sierra and I swam out into the deep water and splashed around. (Oh, and I didn't even feel the sand under my feet!) As I looked to shore, our children were still having a great time. When Jeff told us it was time to go, I wasn't ready to leave. It would have been nice to have a float and a few more hours.
On the way back to our campsite, the children talked about how much fun they had at the lake. This was the first time our children had ever experienced swimming in a lake. And to think I almost ruined this experience first by wanting to go to the pool and then with my attitude. Today, I am thankful for the simple free things in life, like swimming in a smelly cotton filled lake with my family.

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