
Monday, August 29, 2011

Reminiscing about Breakfast at Grandma's House

This morning, I was reminiscing about the delicious breakfast my Grandma El use to cook for our family. You see, as far back as I can remember until way after I got married, trips to Grandma's house meant a big breakfast the day we left to go home. Unless, Daddy could get us girls up and ready to leave before Grandma got started. Most times, Grandma knew his plan and I think she knew we all liked breakfast before our 4 hour ride home.
Breakfast at Grandma El's was no simple fare. It included scrambled eggs, bacon, grits, pan-fried toast and in the summertime tomatoes were added. (Oh, my mouth is watering just typing this.) The pan-fried toast was my favorite. My cousin Tommy and I always fought over the last piece. But come to think about it neither one of us won. Grandma would always make sure we both had a last piece. That was Grandma's style. She served others.
Grandma El made sure everyone was served and full before she sat down to eat.  I can remember her standing beside Papa with her hand on the back of his chair surveying the table and adding to the conversation. Then, she was back in the kitchen to cook more or I would hear her say, "Just sit down, I will get it." Within minutes, I would have apple jelly, or more sweet tea. Don't get me wrong, she didn't just serve me. She served everyone at the table. Most of the time there would be no less than nine of us. I can remember several people telling her to sit down but she never did. At a young age, I thought she was too hot from cooking, not hungry, or breakfast wasn't her thing. As I got older, I realized it was just LOVE that kept her from eating with everyone. She showed her love in many ways; cooking breakfast for her husband, children, and grandchildren was her love served on a plate.
This morning, I decided to serve our family - Grandma El style. When our children came to breakfast, they saw their plates filled with scrambled eggs, bacon, grits, and pan-fried toast. I have to admit that my eggs didn't taste just like Grandma's but the toast sure did!
During our meal, I shared with our children the memories of Grandma's food, her sweet serving spirit, and the love she shared with all of us. Now Grandma is much older and I am sure she would fix breakfast for all of us again if she could. Her days of cooking for a large family are over. She served her time and served it graciously with a pat on our backs as she moved around the table. Love was served with her breakfast and it tasted oh so delicious.
Grandma, thank you for serving us, thank you for your love and thank you for pan-fried toast. (Oh and the pancakes, maybe I will have them tomorrow!) I will continue to share with our children and grandchildren to come the memories of time spent around your table. I love you!

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