
Saturday, May 28, 2011

First Tire Blowout on Trailer

We returned home last weekend but left the trailer at my Mom's in SC. We THOUGHT we would be returning after Joshua got his cast. However, after the doctor visit and no cast until Wed., we learned that Joshua would need weekly visits to the doctor and the cast will have to stay on until late June. We made the decision to stay home until Joshua's wrist heals and then head west from here instead of from SC.  Therefore, Jeff and Andrew went to SC and brought the trailer home today.
On the way home, Jeff experienced his first tire blow-out on the trailer. Thankfully, nothing was damaged except for the tire. An hour later, he was back on the road.

Lessons learned according to Jeff:
Get a bigger air compressor
Purchase an impact wrench
Teach our sons how to change a tire! LOL

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