
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Still learning .... Still smiling...

We left our "stick and brick" house and now are in our traveling home headed to St. Louis, Missouri. It has NOT been easy since we left. Pulling a travel trailer is a lot different than everyone being in our bus.  This time out I am also driving our van following Jeff.

Lessons learned in the past two days....

*Missy does not like driving on the Interstate.
*Back-roads are great!
*When a 18-Wheeler goes by the trailer it seems to 'suck' it in. I let out too many "OHHH" and then a big sigh as I watched the trailer sway back and forth. 
*Jeff now has the hitch and sway bars adjusted for the fourth time. He is becoming a pro!!!
*We are about 500lbs overweight on the trailer --- I have decided that I will just throw out all the school books.  (before I get emails from concerned readers - I am just kidding.)
*We need a checklist for departure day. (Our morning went something like this - "everyone use the bathroom" DONE. Jeff goes to empty the tanks and Joshua says, "I have to poop." OK - Done. Unhook all hoses, raise jacks, hook up and start to pull out. Jeff realized the slide-out is still out. Back into trailer. Slide-out In - DONE. Jeff back in truck. I called him to tell him the steps are still down. Jeff out of truck. Steps up - DONE Jeff back in truck. Jeff out of truck to pick up chock blocks. - DONE Jeff back in truck. I called him because antenna is still up. Jeff back in camper. Antenna down - DONE Jeff back in truck. I call him because steps are down. Jeff big breath - release air, sigh, and a calm, "alright".  Steps up - DONE.) Yes - Checklist is needed.
*Hannah is a good travel companion for about 100 miles. After that, I need earplugs and Advil.
*When we stop for Hannah to use the bathroom, I MUST put the slide-out back in before exiting the trailer or we will have to stop again to put the slide-out back in.
*Making up meals ahead of time is a great idea for travel days. Dinner is done in less than 20 minutes!!!
*Check campsite upon arrival for presents left from previous dog owners or Katie will step in it and then play with it because she thinks she has "mud on shoes" and "mud on shirt".
*Jeff needs to fix leak in roof around antenna. Yes - we have a tote sitting on our bed with water in it.
*Need to check site GOOD before setting up. Moving sites after setting up is NOT fun for anyone!!

When we stopped for gas and lunch today, we met Monroe. We gave him a "love bag", lunch, and spent time talking and praying with him. He asked that we continue to pray that he can obtain a copy of his birth certificate and for him to find a way back to Dallas, TX.  (A "love bag" is a gallon Ziploc bag filled with things a homeless person might be able to use along with a note telling them about the Greatest Love - Jesus.)

We are praising God for His goodness, praying for Monroe, and still smiling at the end of this day.

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