
Monday, November 8, 2010

Life Can Change Instantly

This morning, Sierra had a check-up with her doctor. Dr. Marlow said that Sierra had great reflexes, was very flexible, and was just the right height and weight. Dr. Marlow wanted to do some blood work to test Sierra's iron and several other things. Therefore, we walked down to the lab.  Before long, the nurse said that it was Sierra's turn.  Sierra sat down and informed the nurse that this was the first time she had ever had blood drawn.  The nurse chatted with Sierra for a few minutes and then - STICK. She located the vein and started extracting the blood. Nothing to it!! Sierra didn't even flinch. She actually did better than I do when my blood is withdrawn.

One vile, Two vials, Three vials, Four vials then Five and the last one to fill. Sierra made the comment that she felt a little light headed and another nurse went for some juice. A nurse, Sierra and I were talking about what beautiful fingernails Sierra had and how she does them herself - then it happen.

The nurse removed the tourniquet (rubber-band) and Sierra quit talking. Her eyes started rolling  backwards, she wouldn't respond. The nurse told me to ask her to drink the juice. I put the straw to Sierra's lips and she collapsed backwards in the chair. Next, the nurse put an ammonia strip under Sierra's nose and was saying, "sniff - breathe".  Nothing!!

Next, the nurse said, "I need help in here!"  Sierra started shaking all over and looked like she was having a seizure. At that minute, the nurse asked me to step out of the way and three other nurses appeared.  One grabbed Sierra's feet, one was instructing her to breathe the ammonia, and one was checking her blood pressure. All the while, Sierra's limp body was laying in the chair shaking.  I yelled, "Someone get in here and help us!" I stepped around a nurse and took the ammonia and held it under Sierra's nose. I said, "She is NOT breathing!" The nurse said, "She is breathing. It is just labored. Tell her to sniff in deep. Tell her to breathe. MOVE OUT OF THE WAY". One nurse was getting the oxygen tank ready and I was pushed out of the way. As nurses moved all around Sierra and the doctor entered the room,  a very kind nurse took me by the hand, moved me across the room and starting hugging me and saying "It is going to be alright. Give them a few minutes." It seemed like the nurse would not let me go. Time past slowly as my head rested on the shoulder of this woman I had never met and tears rolled down my face. I was helpless!!

 I prayed.

Soon, I felt a tap on my shoulder and the nurse said, "Here Mom, get her to drink this. She is coming around." I walked back to my little girl to see her still lying with her head bent back resting on the arm of the chair but her eyes were looking at me. The nurse still had the ammonia in front of her nose and said for her to sniff a few more times. I told Sierra to sniff in deep and then asked her if she wanted some juice. As I touched Sierra's forehead, she was drenched in sweat. Sierra was asking if she could sit up. The doctor said that her blood pressure was low and she needed to stay still for a few more minutes. Sierra took several sips of juice and after a minute or so the nurse let go of her feet. I am not sure when the other nurses left the room. All I was consumed with was watching my fourteen year old baby and holding her hand.  Dr. Marlow recheck Sierra's blood pressure and told her to slowly sit up. One nurse brought a wheelchair in the room,while another nurse told me that they noted Sierra's chart that she was to be lying down next time blood was drawn. I asked the doctor if Sierra had a seizure. She said it was like a seizure but they do not classify it as one. Sierra said, " I blacked out, Mom."  Dr. Marlow looked at Sierra and said, "Oh, honey, you did more than black-out."  Dr. Marlow said that she would order a few more tests with the blood that they withdrew and would let us know more when the results come back. 

Sierra was then placed in an examining room where we had to wait for about 40 minutes. Dr. Marlow came back in and checked Sierra's heart rate, blood pressure, and the circulation in her legs.  She told Sierra that next time anyone wanted to draw blood that she needed to be lying down with oxygen ready and unless mandatory should not have her blood drawn without eating.  She gave Sierra a few other suggestions and said that she would talk to us by the end of the week.

As I have re flexed on the events of the day, I can not get the image of my daughter lying slumped down in the chair with only the whites of her eyes showing, her mouth open, not responding to the sound of my voice and watching her body shake all over while I helpless stood by.  It reminded me that in one quick release of a rubber-band my life can change.

I praise the Lord that today's event was not long lasting and did not alter our life forever. I thank Him for reminding me to love on my children more, point them to Christ by my actions and words, and treat them as if we only have today. 

I thank Him for Sierra and for the pleasure of being her Mommy for each day.

Peace comes from knowing that our life is in the hands of our Savior.

John 16:33 "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."

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