
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Bristol Motor Speedway in Lights

As I turn around and look behind me, I see brightly colored lights reflecting in the eyes of our children. I see smiles on their faces and the love in my heart just makes me tear up. Then...

I am brought back to reality by the screams from the children saying, "Oh a snowman" , "That is cool", "Look", "This is the 12 days of Christmas", "A igloo", "See the race car", and Hannah said, "That bear is nice. He is waving at us." The children were amazed at all the different light displays and were mesmerized by the moving lights. If they were not announcing what light display was next, they were singing Christmas carols with the radio in their loudest voice. Well, I admit, I was singing too as we drove around Bristol Motor Speedway.
After Thanksgiving Bristol Motor Speedway, the fastest 1/2 mile, turns into a 4 1/2 mile 200 light display with close to 2 million twinkling lights. Instead of race cars zooming around the track, you will see family and friends packed into cars riding slowing around the track making memories with the ones they love.  Unless....

You are in our van where you would hear, "Go, Daddy" "Go up the bank", "I don't like this! We are going to flip over!", "Go faster", "I can't! There are cars in front of me." "Pass them!!"
Yes, we love the Speedway in Lights especially when Jeff gets to drive ON THE TRACK.  It is a family tradition when we are home at Christmas time.  This year it was just a little more special because there was snow on the ground and Jeff could spin the tires in the ice.  Oh yeah, I love Christmas in Tennessee.
Sorry no pictures. In my excitement to leave, I forgot the camera. :(

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