
Sunday, May 24, 2015

Have You Ever...

Have you ever had a time in your life where every thing you were hoping for was over in less than 24 hours? You know that moment when everything you are working towards, all your goals, all your plans, and all your dreams, that you thought were in the near future, suddenly came to an abrupt end. It is like you are traveling down this beautiful road and in the distance you see the ocean come into view.  You start crossing the bridge to get to the ocean and suddenly the bridge is out and YEP you drive your car smack-dab into the water with a big splash!  Well, that is how our family has felt this month.  We crashed!! 

We had been working on a goal to have a small family farm and orchard. Our goal was to provide our own beef, fruits, vegetables, milk, and eggs and also sell these things to others.  What we didn't realize is that OUR end goal and the things we envisioned were not where God was ultimately leading us.  I truthfully believe He was giving us our hearts desire until we were ready to follow Him down the road that was ahead.  He had things to teach us, our children needed to grow in many ways, and Jeff and I needed to reconnect with each other and God himself.  These last few years, Jeff and I have worked together like never before. We have encouraged each other, helped each other solve problems, and even frustrated each other beyond words. (Well sometimes, I probably used very loud not-so-nice words.) Because we have experienced all of this together, we have grown closer to each other and our faith is stronger.  We survived the CRASH!

Have you ever been at a point in your life where you felt like you were in limbo? You know the moment when the music starts and two people are holding the stick but you are just not sure you are ready to bend backwards and plunge forward under the stick. You may fall flat on your butt! OR, you may make it all the way under and come out smiling with a feeling of great accomplishment. So you stand there..... thinking.... listening to the music... and deciding when to move your feet.  Well, that is how our family has felt this month.  We were in limbo!

We had been thinking about doing something a little different before the farm dream even ended.  We had some old desires renewed.  We just started praying and waiting on God to lead the way. It has been exciting to just walk through each door He has opened.  We do not know where He is leading us but we do know that wherever He leads we will follow. 

Have you ever realized what you have to do when you Limbo?  Yes, you have to bend backwards and LOOK UP!! Well, that is what our family is doing this month. We are listening to the music, bending our backs and dancing the Limbo all-the-while LOOKING UP!!

One dream has ended but new ones are beginning. It is an exciting time at THE MILLERS. One thing I have said over and over this month is, "I know for sure that every time we have been at a crossroads in our life, God has always put us on a better road." We are excited to see what the future holds for our family as we get on the next road.

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