
Friday, May 29, 2015

What Happens If...

Tonight during dinner, Hannah looked at me in all seriousness and said, "Mommy, what happens if you have a child and you do not like it?"

After I got control of my laughter and wiped the tears from my face, I said, "Well, you better figure out what that child is doing that you do not like and correct the child's behavior. "

Hannah replied, "Why, can't you just give them to DCS? "

I explained that if you give one child up they are probably not going to let you keep the children that you do like.  She smiled and said, "I am glad you like me!"

Again, once I stopped laughing, I assured her that I liked and LOVED her very much.  I asked her, why she was asking me this question and she said that she was just curious. She just needed to know in case it happened to her.

I am amazed at the things that goes through Hannah's brain!
child you do not like

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