
Monday, June 1, 2015

Joshua Has Accepted Christ

Today, we are praising the Lord. During February, our son, Joshua made a personal decision to accept Jesus as his Savior after talking to his friend Wesley.  So, why are we praising today instead of 4 months ago? Well, we just found about this wonderful news today.

At first when I heard the news, I was a bit skeptical and disappointed. Disappointed because I wanted to be there to witness this life changing moment, to encourage Joshua, answer his questions and hear his sweet prayer to Jesus.  Skeptical because of my experience as a child . I never want our children to think they have accepted Jesus as their Savior when they really have not.  I want our children to realize it is more than asking Jesus to be their Savior to escape hell or because someone else made a profession of faith. It is more than just believing in Him. I want our children to realize that accepting Jesus is all about needing a Savior.

Therefore, I decided it was best to ask Joshua a few questions to make sure he knew what he had done and why.  When I talked with him, I was very cautious that I didn't discourage him. I asked him to explain what he had done and why. He knew exactly what he had done, the correct reason for asking Jesus to be his Savior, and said that he needed and asked forgiveness of his sins. In his room all alone with Jesus, he asked Jesus to be his Savior. Joshua said that he needed Jesus everyday because he was a sinner and needed God's forgiveness for the sin he has committed. Joshua said, " I also need Jesus to help me not to sin and forgive me for all the sins I am going to do." This Mommy's heart was overjoyed and yes, I cried!  Joshua and I hugged for the longest time while I told him how proud I was of him for knowing what he needed and not waiting on even me to be there with him.

I realize that God is the only one that knows our child's heart but I can tell you that we can see evidence of a changed life.  Last year and in January of this year, Joshua was grounded more days than days he was ungrounded.  Since February, he has only had a few days each month that he has had a loss of privilege.  (We saw all of this before we found out Joshua had made a personal decision to follow Christ. Jeff and I even made the comment that something really has changed in Joshua's life.) Joshua is reading his Bible, writing verses in his journal, and having spiritual conversations with us.  He is telling others about Jesus, obeying us more, and thinking of others before himself. This has to be a Jesus thing because I know Joshua could not make these changes apart from God so quickly.

After talking to Joshua, I am grateful that I didn't know about his decision to follow Christ sooner. We saw evidence that something was different with Joshua before we heard the good news. Joshua
was able to grow some in his relationship with Christ before he had us watching for proof. ( Maybe God knew I would doubt and thus didn't let me be a participant in the beginning. Maybe He knew I would get in the way. OUCH! That stings deep! If I truthfully look at myself, I would agree.  (Deep breath in)  Thank you, Jesus for giving Wesley the courage to be bold and speak to Joshua about how to accept you and for keeping my skeptical butt out of your way. Forgive me, God when I have gotten in your way and thank you for not letting it happen this time.)

My disappointment has turned into joy because I can see that Joshua is sincere about following Christ. We are praising God today because we are proud of our son, and thankful for what He is doing in Joshua's life and in our family.

Child accepts Christ


  1. Proud of God's work in Joshua's life. I'm constantly amazed by His grace. I found your blog on the FOTR website. We will be hitting the road full time in 6 weeks.

  2. @DeEtta, Thanks for stopping by our blog. Your comment reminded me that I need to update our information on the FOTR website. I will keep checking your blog to find out the interesting places you go and things you do. Life on the road is challenging at times but it is also a great adventure full of God's little surprises for us.
